Braille Tutor


Braille TutorLearn and practice contracted braille (Unified English Braille) with Braille Tutor! 

Braille Tutor provides an interactive learning experience for a sighted or blind braille learner. The App works on iPad® using onscreen keys or home keys on a Bluetooth® keyboard. It is self-voiced, but also works with iOS accessibility. 

The app uses sounds and text-to-speech to support vision-impaired learners. Using a Bluetooth keyboard also gives the user a feel of the keys. 

“Great App! :) Very good for consolidating braille skills learned, particularly at home / places where a learner might not have access to a Brailler.”



I was looking for an iPad app to teach braille to my blind 6-year old. After some searching and failing to find a decent accessible app, I decided that I should write one…

With the help of the Telematics trust, the Braille Tutor app is now in the final stages of testing. Many thanks to the volunteers who help test and provided invaluable suggestions and feedback.

The Braille Tutor App is now available for FREE download with lessons for Grade-1 braille. In-App purchase available for the remaining Grade-2 lessons. Happy brailling!

What is braille?

Braille is a tactile system of reading and writing used by the blind. This system was created by Frenchman Louis Braille (1809-1852). Each braille character (braille cell) consists of 6 raised dots, arranged in 2 columns of 3 dots. Different braille characters are formed by a different combination of raised dots. There are 63 possible characters and space (which has no dots).
The usual convention numbers the 3 dots in the left column 1, 2 and 3 from the top down. The 3 dots in the right column area numbered 4, 5 and 6 from the top down. Braille is embossed on heavier paper, either by stylus & slate, a braille typewriter or embosser.

Why braille?

My wife and I were keen to introduce braille to our blind 6-year-old, even though he had some remaining vision. We know that trying to read strains his eyes, so he would not be able to read for long periods of time. We also know that as to access text from books and internet for his education and independence, it would be faster and more efficient with braille than large print.

Unified English Braille (UEB)

The UEB code is the English braille code standard developed by the International Council on English Braille, simplifying the system of Braille code across the English-speaking world, by replacing a number of different coding systems (except Music). The UEB code has been adopted for use by Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Nigeria, South Africa, UK and USA. An UEB Australian training manual is available for free download from the Australian Braille Authority. There are certain rules for when specific contractions can/should be used, e.g. stand-alone rule for wordsigns, etc. These rules can be found in The Rules of UEB or the UEB Australian training manual.

About the lessons

The app provides an introduction to learning and typing braille. Each lesson contains a small number of key concepts. The lessons are designed so that subsequent lessons also reinforce previously introduced concepts. For beginners, it is recommended that they start with Lesson 1 and build up their skills gradually. Repeating a lesson can help reinforce any new concepts contained within. The lessons are grouped into levels based on key concepts, starting with the grade-1 alphabets to grade-2 groupsigns and wordsigns. Sentences are used to introduce punctuations and allow practice with context.

Lesson 1 - Type: b

Lesson 1 – Type: b

Using Braille Tutor

Braille Tutor is self-voicing and has been designed for blind users and those with low-vision. There are in-app settings that allows the users to change the interface to suit their personal preference, along with iOS accessibility features,

For personal comfort, it is recommended that the user sits in an upright position, with their feet on the ground and the iPad placed on an even surface at elbow height, perhaps tilted slightly towards the user. If using a Bluetooth keyboard, it might be best to place the iPad on a stand and the keyboard on the even surface.

Fingers placed on onscreen keys

Fingers placed on onscreen keys

Bluetooth keyboards

Using a Bluetooth keyboard allows the user to receive addition kinesthetic feedback from pressing the keys. To connect your Bluetooth keyboard, please follow manufacturer’s instructions and refer to

Fingers placed on home keys of a QWERTY keyboard.

Fingers placed on home keys of a QWERTY keyboard (with keys artificially highlighted).


VoiceOver is a gesture-base screen-reader on the iPad (and all iOS devices). Braille Tutor supports the use of VoiceOver for navigation within the app. For more information, please refer to

Refreshable braille display

Many refreshable braille displays are supported by the iPad (and most iOS devices). For more information, please refer to

New features for the next release

  • Braille entry using a refreshable braille display (Braille output is already available to Bluetooth-connected refreshable braille displays)

Questions or Comments

We value your feedback and would love to hear from you. Everybody learns and uses technology differently and we are keen to make the app better for everyone. Please feel free to leave your comments below. You can also email us through our support page.

22 thoughts on “Braille Tutor

  1. Pingback: Welcome | iEnable

  2. Hi
    How much are the other lessons. I would like to know as there is no sign of pricing just asking to enter App Store details to purchase. Before I update, which I certainly want to do, is it going to cost $5 or $500. Great app for practicing braille but you might need to adjust your App Store settings so people know how much upgrading is going to cost.
    Kind regards

    • Hi Graeme, Thank you for your enquiry. I’m sorry that the cost of the In-App purchase does not appear on the App Store for you. The upgrade is modestly priced at Apple’s Tier 2 pricing, which is around USD 1.99 or similar in your local currency. Disclaimer: Apple reserves the right to change the price from time to time.
      This was what I found on the Australian AppStore Braille Tutor on the Australian AppStore
      I hope this helps.

  3. I can’t ever finish lesson 17. After I type the word zebra in the sentence the app shuts down. I am loving the app though. I’m learning Braille and the braillewriter and I have taught myself using this app. I’ll have leg up when my class starts teaching next week. Thanks!!

      • Hi Elizabeth,

        Thank you for downloading and trying out Braille Tutor. I’m glad that it is able to help you learn braille and how to write it.

        I am sorry that the app doesn’t let you finish lesson 18, this sounds like a bug in the program.

        Thanks also for sending me the log file. The next version update with the fix for iPad mini’s and earlier generation iPads should be available in the Appstore a week from now (Apple takes 5-7 days to process the update and put it on the store).

        I hope this fixes the problem that you are having and let you finish your first level.

        • Hi Elizabeth,

          Thank you for your support and patience.

          The updated version 1.0.3 with the fix is now available on the App Store. Please download and install the update to the Braille Tutor app on your iPad to apply the fix.

  4. I tried to learn Braille years ago, but I only remember a few letters as I wasn’t using it all the time. I started using the Braille Tutor APP over the last few days and I think it is great and easy to use. My need for Braille has increased so I will be using it more frequently. Thanks.

    • Hi Lilly, Thank you for trying the Braille Tutor app. I am glad to know that it is helping you practice and use Braille. All the best and happy brailling! Ray

  5. Hi I’m Harry am 17 and currently learning Braille .
    I heard about the app and thought it might be a great tool.
    I use an iPhone . Can you use an app on the iPhone?
    Also is it the same app for grade 1 and 2 Braille and how much is grade 2?
    My Dad had a search on the App Store and was unable to locate the app as yet.
    Thank you and Kind Regards

    • Hi Harry,
      The app is made for the sighted and those with vision impairment to learn Braille on the iPad. Unfortunately it is not available for the iPhone, as the size of the screen is too small to deliver the lessons effectively for those with low vision.
      The app provides grade-1 lessons for free and grade-2 lessons are available as an In-App purchase for the price of a song. Here’s the link to the Braille Tutor app,
      I hope this helps and wish you all the best in learning Braille.

  6. Hi
    This sounds great. I live in the regions with no forml braille training available. I have failed to learn braille by correspondence repeatedly. This may do the trick for me and I suppose I will have to stop being a luddite and get an iPad.

    • Hi Paul,
      Thanks for sharing your experience and frustration. Your persistence is admirable.
      I sincerely hope that the Braille Tutor app is able to help you continue your study of braille. If you do decide to get an iPad and need some help with setting up and usage of its Accessibility/VoiceOver features, a good website to go to is:
      Best regards,

  7. Hi, I am really enjoying the app. I love braille for fun as I use print as my main method of reading and writing as I am partially blind. I am commenting to let you know that I can’t complete level 49 and I need to complete it to get to the next set of lessons. I have completed every other level in that set of lessons. I am hoping that you are going to add more levels which include numbers and maths symbols as well as the current lessons that are there.

    • Hi Lizzie,
      Thanks for downloading Braille Tutor. I am glad that you are enjoying the app.
      Thanks also for reporting the bug with level 49. I’m really sorry that stopped you from finishing the lesson. I have now submitted a new version with the fix to Apple to review and release to the AppStore, where you can download it. From past experience, this will take 5-7 days. In the mean time, you can unlock all the lessons by going to the Braille Tutor section of the Settings App in your iPad to access other lessons.
      Great suggestions to include lessons for braille numbers and maths! I’ll add it to the new features list.
      Thanks again,

      • Hi Ray,
        Thank you very much for doing an update. I am glad that you like my suggestion about numbers and symbols. I am really enjoying the app as it is testing my mind as well as I haven’t used braille in a very long time.

        • Hi Lizzie,

          Thank you for reporting the bug.

          Braille Tutor version 1.0.4 is now available from the App Store. This contains the fix to lesson 49. It also allows the user to delete/clear their input using space-d (space & dots-1-4-5) as well as shaking the iPad (Thanks Catherine and Penny for the suggestion).

          Please download the version update from the App Store to apply the fix to the app on your iPad, if Automatic Update is not enabled on your device.

          Happy Brailling!


  8. I am a Braille Teacher and one of my Students was frustrated by his slow pace and retention of his lessons. He downloaded the Grade 1 App, purchased a and it helped reinforce his learning. He now knows Grade 1 and is on Lesson 23 for Grade 2. He is on fire! I supplemented his learning with a Grade 1 Children’s Book and Contracted Braille Flash Cards. I have had great luck teaching Contracted Braille, but this program will help me teach Grade 1 & Grade 2 Braille much more quickly than before.

    My two hope:
    1) My student says that the lessons do not provide enough early punctuation practice, so he was confused when the punctuation first stated appearing and he did not know what to do. There was later help with punctuation but he still, after lesson 23, still doesn’t feel confident about punctuation. This provided me with an opportunity to teach punctuation to him, but it would have been nice if the application would have made learning punctuation a little more user friendly?

    2) I want to download the app for my Galaxy Note but there is no app for it? Are you working on an Android based App? I would buy it. I have an i-phone, because i wanted to see if there were any good accessible apps for Android based devices, but it looks like I will have to wait for a good Android Based Braille Tutor?

    Thanks ahead of time for your replies to my question,


    • Hi Rudy,
      Thanks for trying the Braille Tutor app. I’m really happy to hear that it is able to help your student to engage more with his braille.

      Thanks for the feedback on the punctuations. There is definitely opportunity to improve in this area, I’ll email you separately on this one.

      I am working on Braille Tutor for Android, but have hit some road blocks. I’ll definitely let you know when it is ready.

      Thanks again for your great feedback.


      • Thanks, so much for replying.


        No one is a Braille user, for anything other than reading elevator floor numbers, grocery lists, bathroom signs, phone numbers and maybe labeling canned goods, unless they have a good grasp on punctuation.

        I believe you should have a basic punctuation lesson, before you ever start with sentences;

        Capital Letter: dot 6
        Period: dots 2, 5, 6
        Comma: Dot 2
        Question Mark: Dots 2, 2, 3, 6
        Apostrophe: Dot 3
        Exclamation Point: Dots 2, 3, 5

        when you slowly introduce punctuation, during sentence practice, do announce that they are coming up and make the sentence easy;
        Where is Jane(aloud Question Mark)?
        Dan is amazing(aloud Exclamation Mark)!

        I am going to have to buy an i-Pad, before I can help my students out more with his questions, but your program is truly a huge leap in the right direction.

        Thank you for what you do.

  9. I have downloaded the app on an iPad Air 1 and iPad Air 2. Neither one of them will continue to be self-voiced. They speak the first couple of letters and then it stops. I have to turn on voice-over to get it to voice what is supposed to be typed. I am using a qwerty bluetooth keyboard for this. It is an awesome app I just wish it would work as described.

    • Hi Gina, thanks for reporting this bug. This bug has been fixed in version 1.1.1. Please upgrade the app on your device to the latest version. Thanks.

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